Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Oh wow! Amy was right, Yapak is bitchin. Geoff, Dustin & I went out on the morning boat. It's close to the new moon, so we knew there'd be current, but it wasn't bad. The wind is down so surface conditions were nice. The drop in was perfect, right on top of the wall. 2 minutes later we were drifting above huge schools of fish. Dustin spotted a ray, I think a blue spotted ray, but it was too far for the camera to get anything but a gray splotch. When we got to sweetlips corner, Dustin signed, "Shark!" and apparently my eyes went wide. There she was, just as cute as a button -- okay, not cute, but a 5 foot white tip with a remora. Just ahead of us with another dive group, and lo and behold, Dustin recognized Julie, who hasn't been on island for months. It's amazing where you'll bump into friends around here.

We got back around 9:30, just in time for breakfast #2.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was one hell of a dive. The past two days that white tip has been hanging out on that spot of the wall, just excellent! Nothing like diving Yapak 2 in the morning. The big Jacks,Chubs, Baby Tuna were all out in full force and of course the school of sweet lips were at sweet lips corner just as they should be. Good job Geoff on making your tank last the full 18 min of bottom time. Wait till we hit Yapak with some Nitrox 32%.
I love diving in Boracay!!