Friday, December 29, 2006

Holiday Update

I've been on some killer dives the past couple of days and I'd
thought I'd share. The weather has been a little on the weird side,
some of it was remnants of Utor, then cloudy days. We had some days
with really thick plankton after the new moon. So, it was, well, like
I said, weird. Then on Christmas Day, things started looking up. I
took some new divers to Angol and the visibility was nice. We could
see critters again!

On the 26th we went to Baling Hai. Odd thing as the visibilty is
getting better, the water temp is dropping! Brrr. On the 26th we had
a totally killer dive on Yapak 2. The current was so good that we
drifted all the way to Yapak 3! Visibility at depth was 30m or more.
On the 27th we did a channel drift dive. Even at slack tide, we felt
like we were flying. Yesterday we dove on the Camia II. Again, the
water temp is colder than anyone remembers, but the viz was great!
20m or more. And no current or surge. It's great!

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