Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Angol 2 Rocks!

Larry and I checked out Boracays newest dive site Angol point 2 and It was awesome!
We were greeted at the site by a very large Mantis shrimp, which let us get unusually close to him. Larry and I headed west out to 3 horn rock as I call it where we saw a small yellow spotted trevally chasing down the small schools of silversides that populate angol. Oriental sweetlips/ many spotted sweet lips were also there at he new side, we never see those at the old Angol Point dive! Just when I thought the dive couldn't get any better a banded coral snake slithered thought the water in front of us, I looked back at Larry and he was smiling and flashing his ok, letting me know he was stoked to be on the dive! So for the first dive on this site I would rate it as a success

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