Sunday, January 21, 2007

I found 500 Pesos

I was at Angol Point with Lee and Ms. Fong. It was a Great dive!!!!!! It was cool because the water was clear and my divers were comfortable. Ms Fong was a certified as scuba diver and was only diving for 4 months. She was very excited to be in the water. So excited she swam so fast. I tried to ask her to slow down but i think that she didn't know my sign for it. I was hanging on to her tank to slow her down a little for the other divers. Holding her hand only worked for a little while. While we were touring the reef, I spotted a piece of paper underwater that looked like money. I got Ms. Fong's attention and stopped her for a second. I went for the paper and to my surprise it was money!! 500 pesos. I really don't think anyone else would have noticed it, so I think it is safe to say that it was mine! Everyone agreed.

Yeah!!! Sunken Treasure!!!

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