Sunday, March 11, 2007

Giant Pregnant Pufferfish !

Today Svenya completed her Open water dive 4 a Crocodile Rock! We wanted to see the best soft coral in boracay and we did. The water was 27C degrees much warmer now and the vis about 15 meters! What a great day to be diving in Boracay! I have to say when Svenya did one of the most impressive mask removal and replacements I have ever seen, she had her mask of for about 2 minuets, because it got tangled in her hair! But she kept her cool and remained calm and cleared it no problem! Good work Svenya! A Giant pregnant puffer cruised by, it had to be a foot and a half long. We also saw pipefish and some large grouper! Total dive time 53 minuets , another great dive in paradise.-Dustin

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