Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Diver Testimonial

What Ryan Kaczkowski says about his Tecdeep Course:

The tech dive course was excellent. Originally, i just wanted to use it as a small stepping stone to Trimix Diving but it has really changed the way i will continue to dive back at home, and has given me a much better knowledge of diving principles. The Dive Tech course is a great beginning to the real sport of technical diving.

How was the package deal for rescue EFR and Tecdeep?

The package was great! I had some technical experience from back at home but i needed to have some extra certificates to continue to technical diving. After discussing my budget and time available on my remaining holiday, Dustin at Blue Mango put together the exact package of training that I needed and wanted to learn, get certified and take back home with me.

How were the tech diving sites in Boracay?

I had heard that there was no Tech Diving on boracay so I had planned to leave for Puerto Galera but after my experience with blue mango i found many sites very suitable for tecnical diving with so many different spots yet to be discovered. there is plenty of oppurtunities for cave and cavern to deep and trimix. I can see that boracay definitely has a future for numerous technical dive locations around the island.