Monday, August 11, 2008

Boracays Best Dive Sites

Learn about each dive site Boracay has to offer before you go!

Angol Point

6m-16m Deep
Experience level: Beginner
Expect to be swarmed with thousands of fish at this site! Angol point is a favorite beginner dive site with 2 large coral reef boulders in about 12 meters of water rising up to 7 meters at the top. Because this site is a fish feeding area, damsel fish and angle fish are abundant.

Camia Ship Wreck

18m- 30 m Deep
Experience Level: Advanced

This wreck was sunk in 2001 by the Boracay Diving association. Over the years the wreck has become home to Jacks, Sea Bass, Grouper, Surgeon fish, and Tangs. Just off the wreck you can find pygmy Sea horses and the very rare ghost pipe fish.
Since the wreck was deliberately sunk, it has been cleaned of toxic chemicals and wires that would tangle a diver, it also has large wide swim thru's extending throughout most of the length of the ship.

Crocodile Island

6m-18m Deep
Experience Level: Beginner to advanced

This site has the Best soft coral cover you will find anywhere in Boracay. Over half a hectare of rainbow colored soft and hard corals, table corals, anemone's define this spectacular site. Trumpet fish, fusiliers, garden eels and triton trigger fish can also be found here. Below the soft corals is a 10 meter high wall where small caves, sea fans and whip corals can be found.

Fridays Rock

12m-18m Deep
Experience Level : Intermediate to Advanced

Also known as the Big Fish dive, this site is famous for its 25-30 resident red bass. The giant bass can be found circling and feeding around fridays rock which rises up from 15m all the way to 8 meters. This site is also home to large surgeon fish, grouper, and the famous bamboo shark. About 15m south west of the rock is a small coral coral garden where large barrel sponges, octopus and giant lion fish can be found.

Yapak 2

Experience Level: Advanced to Technical

This is the most famous and challenging dive site in Boracay. Yapak is a 2 km long wall dive running north to south that begins at 33m meters and drops down to 60 meters. The top of the wall is home to Sweet lips, Jack trevallys, Red bass, Tuna, White tip reef sharks and the occasional Eagle ray or Green sea turtles. This site can have very strong currents and is recommended you have a good amount of experience before attempting this dive with your dive master or instructor.
If you are tech diver certified Yapak 2 is the dive site for you, the wall rises up from 60 meters and is covered with caves over hangs and large swim though crevices. Giant tiger trevallys can be seen at these technical depths as well as resting back tip reef sharks and if you get to the site early enough, manta rays.