Thursday, November 23, 2006

Friday's Rock Night Dive

Outstanding! Geoff and I dove Friday's Rock yesterday. We did a dusk dive -- to get oriented and see the last light of the day fade from reef. Friday's is a great site: There's a huge lionfish that lives on one the little outlying rocks. This guy is so big and so mellow that I could spend ours photographing him. I found a yellow mouth moray in the same rocks. My first eel in the Philippines!

After our surface interval, we went back down and wow! As we came around the corner we found two squid mesmerized by our Halcyon dive light cannons. The result is the following photo.
Shuweet! After we played with the squid, I thought, okay, this dive can't get much better (although, I really wish I had a strobe or 2 for the camera! family: make a note of this!) I was just puttering around looking for more fish when Geoff started signaling: A flying grunnard came by, wings extend, swimming away from us, but not in a hurry. I haven't seen one of those in years.

Just think, all of this one just 2 dives!

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