Saturday, November 25, 2006

Yapak 2 Ripping Current!

Geoff and I headed out to Yapak 2 with some Nitrox tanks Yesterday and back rolled into some ripping currents! We decended to the usual 5 meters to meet up then down to the wall through the warm plankton rich water. When we broke through the warm layer we were greeted by some nice brisk 26 degree water, cold! The only good part was that water was clear, with at least 25 meter visibility horizontally. We had to fight a bit to get to the wall, but since Goeff is a former Olympic swimmer, it was me that was chasing him. We got to the wall and hung on to the rocks , while the current came right at us! We were intitially greeted by a large school of fusilers which were spread out feeding on the plankton rich fast moveing water in front of us. The entire school suddenly contracted when a school of 10 large Jack Trevallys came flying out of the current and tried to make lunch out of the startled fusilers. After that National gepgraphic moment, a 2 meter black tip with Remora in tow came out of the blue and circled for a bit before dissappearing again. After about 20 min at 33 meters we decided to start our slow ascent, stopping at 9,6,3 meters for 1 min , and surfaced with the dive boat signaling OK from about 15 meters away. A perfect dive!

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