Thursday, November 30, 2006

Gettin dives in before the typhoon

I had a friend named Steve from Hawaii come out to dive with me. The weather was getting worse and the beach went from ripples to chop in the time it took to set up the gear. Our boat arrived and the boatmen loaded up our gear. It was kind of rough getting to the south end of the island but once we got into the channel the water calmed a bit. We were going with the waves and current until we were a bit leeward of the island. When we got to Crocodile Rock things were looking pretty good. We tied up to the mooring buoy and I jumped in the water to check the current. It was moving just a bit. We showed up just in time! I got out, geared up, did the safety check, then we both got in the water. Every time I go there I am reminded why Croc. Rock is my favorite site on Boracay! All we needed was just a bit of sun and the dive would have been perfect. There were brilliantly colored corals and fish all around. Bottom time was 55 min max depth was 20.1 meters.
After the dive we got on the boat and remembered that there is a storm coming. Back to the shop. The chop, out of the shelter of the island, was worse. We were forced to slow down to a crawl on the way to the Blue Mango beach front. It was rough but we made it.

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