Monday, November 27, 2006

Double Shark Dip

I got to dive doubles yesterday for the first time. And Geoff, our resident shark magnet brought out the white tips. Alas, no camera -- this time! We dropped in right on top of Yapak 1. As soon as we got to the ridge, Geoff starts yelling through his regulator: "SHARK" -- There was a nice white tip, about 1.5m in length just cruising the top of the wall. We hovered over the sand, it did a few lazy orbits before gliding into the murk. This was the same spot where I saw a ray on my first Yapak dive. I was hoping that it would show again, or maybe a manta ray -- spotted that very morning by another dive shop. It was so tempting to drop down to the sand at 50m, but that would be very wrong. Time to start training for deco dives.

I signaled Geoff to start drifting and it was beeeyoutifulll. Fish everywhere, some tunas cruising through the little frye, and then the shark reappears! Woohoo! Of course it could have been a different shark... We got to sweetlips corner, hovered there for a minute or 2 until it was time to make our ascent.

Meanwhile, back on shore, Amy was enjoying her birthday present: the princess treatment at Mandala Spa, four hours of pampering, massage, scrubs, wraps and baths. She glowed! It was the first time she's ever had a "spa day," so it made the day very special. Later, we had indian food at a place near D*Mall called "True Food." It's an awesome spot, with low tables and pillows, tasty naan, and dishes that have truly distinctive spices. The chai was yummy and I had a spicy lhassie -- made with real chilis! It had that cool, sour yoghurt taste, with a spicy-hot chili counter-point. Different and refreshing.

What a day, we went straight to food coma after that!

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