Sunday, March 18, 2007

Maningning Trip update

The trip was fantastic! First dive 30meter visibility, giant clams, stone fish and a huge school of surgons! Then lunch on the island with the locals who cooked us up some fresh Mahi-Mahi or dorado fish. Second dive we saw a napoleon wrasse, 2 giant cuttle fish and large jacks! A great dive! see the pictures on

We are going back in two weeks!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dive Safari to Maningning! March 16th

All the instructors are taking the morning off to go to Maningning (Maniguin) Island. Its the best diving in the Boracay Area. 40 meter visibility, Rays, Sharks, Napoleon Wrasses are common. We will do one dive and lunch on the island and Hike up to the Old light house built in 1909. after the luch and hike its back into the water for a another great dive. I will post more picture when we get back!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Giant Pregnant Pufferfish !

Today Svenya completed her Open water dive 4 a Crocodile Rock! We wanted to see the best soft coral in boracay and we did. The water was 27C degrees much warmer now and the vis about 15 meters! What a great day to be diving in Boracay! I have to say when Svenya did one of the most impressive mask removal and replacements I have ever seen, she had her mask of for about 2 minuets, because it got tangled in her hair! But she kept her cool and remained calm and cleared it no problem! Good work Svenya! A Giant pregnant puffer cruised by, it had to be a foot and a half long. We also saw pipefish and some large grouper! Total dive time 53 minuets , another great dive in paradise.-Dustin

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Rescue Class

Another Rescue class is in the works here at Bluemango !
Today, Jay took his divers out to Angol to do the Paniced diver under water and unconcious diver underwater. I brought the video camera along to document the training. After the dive we reviewed the footage and made suggestions as to how the Rescues could have been better. Over all they did great job Simon and Erick!!