Sunday, January 21, 2007

I found 500 Pesos

I was at Angol Point with Lee and Ms. Fong. It was a Great dive!!!!!! It was cool because the water was clear and my divers were comfortable. Ms Fong was a certified as scuba diver and was only diving for 4 months. She was very excited to be in the water. So excited she swam so fast. I tried to ask her to slow down but i think that she didn't know my sign for it. I was hanging on to her tank to slow her down a little for the other divers. Holding her hand only worked for a little while. While we were touring the reef, I spotted a piece of paper underwater that looked like money. I got Ms. Fong's attention and stopped her for a second. I went for the paper and to my surprise it was money!! 500 pesos. I really don't think anyone else would have noticed it, so I think it is safe to say that it was mine! Everyone agreed.

Yeah!!! Sunken Treasure!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I was doing Open Water Dive 2 with Keven at Angol Point 2. It is a new site for me because we just installed the buoy there. Kevin completed the skills effortlessly. After the skills we went to check out the site. It was great! It had more brilliantly colored corals then Angol 1. I thought the dive was excellent!
max depth was 7.6m
dive time was 31 minutes. Keven uses the average amount of air for a OW student.
water temp was 27C A bit cold for me. *snicker*

To everyone who reads this,
Happy Diving!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Angol 2 Rocks!

Larry and I checked out Boracays newest dive site Angol point 2 and It was awesome!
We were greeted at the site by a very large Mantis shrimp, which let us get unusually close to him. Larry and I headed west out to 3 horn rock as I call it where we saw a small yellow spotted trevally chasing down the small schools of silversides that populate angol. Oriental sweetlips/ many spotted sweet lips were also there at he new side, we never see those at the old Angol Point dive! Just when I thought the dive couldn't get any better a banded coral snake slithered thought the water in front of us, I looked back at Larry and he was smiling and flashing his ok, letting me know he was stoked to be on the dive! So for the first dive on this site I would rate it as a success

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It was my new open water student diver Kevin and I on Open water dive 1 at Angol Point. I was kind of rainy, windy and cold, but we wanted to get in the water anyway. When I say cold the rest of you wouldn't think so. About 27 degrees C. Well we did some fish feeding and something strange happened. All of the fish spooked, bad! I looked around to see what might have spooked them. Nothing. We carried on and the fish came back. They spooked again. Now I was convinced that now something was chasing them. maybe a Jack or Barracuda. Something... I know it wasn't a shark. Anyway, we continued the dive and didn't see the "thing" that spooked the fish. Oh well. The rest of the dive was great!

Monday, January 15, 2007

New Dive site

As of January 1st Bluemango Divecenter was given the task of maintaining Boracays dive site buoys. As of today we have redone the Angol point buoy and the Camia East buoy. Our latest addition in the Angol Point 2 buoy, done today Jan 15, 2007. We put this one in because of the increasing popularity of Angol as a dive site, its common to see 4-6 boats tied up to the buoy during busy hours. This puts strain on the buoy line and, lets face it why crowd together its a huge ocean! The new Angol 2 buoy is cool, right when you get in if you head west you can check out 3 large rocks and the fish life is great! We will be upgrading the dive site with a chain later in the month. For now enjoy! -Dustin